Honeywell’s Genetron Refrigerants
In these changing times, it’s important to have a knowledgeable refrigerant partner that can help your business make the transition to environmentally safer hydro fluorocarbon products. Honeywell strives to be that full service supplier by providing products and support programs that meet the changing needs of air conditioning and refrigeration professionals. The broad product line we offer features Genetron brand solutions for virtually every application in air conditioning and refrigeration.
General Information
Item |
Specification |
R-32 |
Class |
Refrigerant Type |
Molecule |
Typical Lubricant |
Replaces |
R-410A |
Approved |
PED (Pressure Equipment Directive) Category |
Cat 1 |
Physical Properties
Property |
Value |
Boiling Point at 1am (101.3 kPA) |
-52°C |
Chemical Notation |
CH2F2 |
Critical Temperature (°C) |
78.11 °C |
Critical Pressure (bar) |
57.82 bar |
Liquid Density (kg/m³) 0°C |
961 kg/m³ |
ANSIASHRAE Standard 36-1992 Safety Group Classification |
A2L |
Relative Molar Mass (g/mol) |
52.02 |
Vapour Density (kg/m³) 25°C |
47.34 kg/m³ |
675 |
Non-ozone depleting |
ATEL/ODL (kg/m³) |
0.300 |
Practical Limit (kg/m³) |
0.061 |
Low Flammability Level |
13.6 |
Temperature Glide |
0 K |
Upper Flammability Limit (UFL) vol% |
28.4 |
Minimum Ignition Energy (mJ) |
15-100 |
Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg) |
9.5 |
Burning Velocity (cm/s) |
6.7 |
Auto-ignition Temperature (°C) |
648 |
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